Monday, September 18, 2017

The real problem

(the following is a post from one of our group members)

Lust was my "drug of choice". I used it as the solution to all my problems. But then lust became a problem instead of a solution. And then I couldn't stop lusting, even when I wanted to.

I used to think that my sexual acting out behaviors were my real problem, but they weren't. Those resulted from my lusting, and when I'm not lusting, the acting out behavior simply doesn't happen. And actually lust also isn't my real problem. Trying not to lust didn't solve my real problem, and attempting to fight lust proved to be impossible anyway.

But what was possible was to work through the 12 Steps of the SA program under the direction of a sponsor. And when I did that as my sponsor suggested I do it, I began to make the right connection with God through surrender to him, and I finally had a real solution too my real problem. My real problem was actually my misconnection with God and others.

How I got started on real recovery was to get a sponsor and follow his instructions. Up until I was willing to do that, "sobriety" was only temporary at best.

The program works, IF you work it!