Sunday, March 15, 2015

Joy - A Personal Story

The following is a personal story from one of our members.

Often in meetings it's so easy to focus on what didn't go so well that week. But meetings really are amazing, and can be a place of real joy.

Besides our SA meetings, I have a different small group of men that I meet with every week. There's no other sexaholics in that group I know of. They know I'm recovering, but only two of them know any of the details. It's a great group of men, but it's not like my local SA group.

In my SA group, I can talk about my most painful memories and my worst shame. I know I'm safe there. I know there are others there who understand. I won't be judged or rejected. I need not hide anything. There is joy to be had in an SA meeting, if only I recognize the amazing things God is doing there in each of us and through our unity as well.

But I still think the joy that comes from experiencing being set free from the power of my lust tops the list. Sometimes I go for quite some time without thinking about what an amazing gift that really is. But there are lots of other times, particularly when I'm reviewing a day that had so many externals going wrong all around me, that I come to the end of the day and think, "Wow, I'm still sober, and I didn't have to be enslaved to my obsessions and compulsions today."

When I really stop to think about it, being sober today still amazes me. What used to be the "impossible" comes true each day, one day at a time. The feeling thar brings to me really is joy.