If you think that you might be addicted to sex or porn, and want a solution to your destructive sexual thinking and behavior, we invite you to join us in our weekly meetings in Taichung, Taiwan.
"The only requirement for membership is a desire to stop lusting and become sexually sober. There are no dues or fees for SA membership; we are self-supporting through our own contributions." (Sexaholics Anonymous, p. 201 © 1989-2008 SA Literature. Reprinted with permission of SA Literature)
"The only requirement for membership is a desire to stop lusting and become sexually sober. There are no dues or fees for SA membership; we are self-supporting through our own contributions." (Sexaholics Anonymous, p. 201 © 1989-2008 SA Literature. Reprinted with permission of SA Literature)
For inquiries about our SA Taichung English language meeting time, location and online option, or to contact us for any other reason, please send an email to SATaichung@gmail.com, and we will respond.
There is also an online Chinese language meeting on Sunday nights. Please contact SATaichung@gmail.com for more details and share the information in Chinese below with those who are interested.
台中SA於週日19:30以中文舉行會議。 線上參與請以 https://join.skype.com/PEmmwpYQhgoj。 如果這是您第一次,請通過 SATaichung@gmail.com 與 Sam 聯繫以確認會議正在進行以了解詳細信息。
For a list of meetings in other locations around the world, please visit the Sexaholics Anonymous website.
"Powerless in Taipei" SA English/Chinese Bilingual Meeting
Time: Tuesday evening, 8:00pm
Contact Mike M. +886 965285301
Join with Zoom: Meeting ID: 202 588 740, Passcode: 001120
Sexaholics Anonymous publishes a broad range of recovery-focused literature that will help you in your journey to find freedom from sexual addiction. The Essay newsletter is available free to read online.