I had some things I had to give up in order to find sobriety, recovery and freedom from lust and sexual acting out.
- I gave up fighting lust.
- I gave up struggling against lust.
- I gave up doing things my own way.
- I gave up designing my own program for recovery.
- I gave up the illusion that I knew what was best for me.
Instead, I got a sponsor and worked the 12 Steps of the SA program as he suggested and as described in the AA Big Book.
And I've heard a whole lot of stories by people who have years of sobriety that they did the exact same thing. And I've heard a whole lot of stories by people who are still trying to do those things I gave up trying to do, and sobriety, recovery and freedom still escape them.
There really is a solution, but it requires that I give up my own way of doing things in order to experience it.